The Wandering Kitchen: France

在斯卡吉特谷食品皇冠博彩的流浪厨房旅行博客系列, 我们将带你进行一场虚拟之旅,去地球上一些最好的地方品尝世界级的美食. 不管它来自你的后院还是另一个大陆, 好的食物有能力把你带到任何你想去的地方. So while you might not travel to the heart of India, the Caribbean, or the boot of Italy by plane, train, or automobile, 你可以带着你的味蕾来一次旅行,只要把你的餐桌变成一个品尝世界上最好食物的美味目的地.

我们将介绍远近闻名的美食地点, inspirational recipes to try in your own kitchen, 以及你可以在皇冠博彩找到的产品,让你品尝美食.

In this edition of The Wandering Kitchen, we're taking a trip to the awe-inspiring, ever romantic, France!

skagit to france map

Why France?

Aside from its rich history, beautiful rustic architecture, and eloquent language of love, 法国生产了一些我们今天喜爱的最具代表性的食物.


French-Inspired Recipes

跳过12个小时的飞行,在家里品尝一下这些法国风味的食谱吧! 黑色贝雷帽不是必需的,但它确实让烹饪变得更有趣.

baguette recipe

Photo Courtesy of King Arthur Baking


很少有东西能与刚烤好的面包的香味相比. 除了法国街头新鲜出炉的面包,一切都是如此.

外面酥脆,里面很有嚼劲, a true French baguette can be eaten entirely on its own, 当然涂上黄油也不是不可能.

Translating to "wand", "baton" or "stick", 1920年,法棍面包首次被记录为一种面包, 尽管它们的起源可以追溯到19世纪初.

Like most traditional breads, 真正的法棍面包是由面粉的简单组合而成的, water, salt, and yeast.

Find the full recipe at King Arthur Baking

french crepe recipe

Photo Courtesy of Sally’s Baking Addiction



They're so popular in fact, that February 2nd became known as the Day of the Crêpes, 指的是在圣烛节献Crêpes的传统, a traditional Chrisitan holiday celebrated in France.

A thin pancake of sorts, Crêpes通常装满了甜的或咸的食材,卷起来或折叠起来吃起来很方便. Making crêpes at home is also super simple, 因为它们只需要几种原料,面糊可以用搅拌机搅拌.

不过你得准备一个大煎锅,或者 a special crêpe pan if you're really feeling committed.

Find the full recipe at Sally's Baking Addiction

french onion soup

Photo Courtesy of Gimme Some Oven

French Onion Soup

当阴雨连绵,天气寒冷,你想要的只是温暖和舒适的感觉时,法式洋葱汤就是最好的选择. It's also one of the easier and cheaper soups to make, 只需要一些简单的食材和几个小时的时间.

Historically, French onion soup was thought of as an affordable, accesible food for the masses, given that onions were plentiful and easy to grow. 如今,你可以在世界各地的餐馆菜单上找到法式洋葱汤.

1861年,纽约餐馆老板亨利·穆昆将法式洋葱汤带到了美国, where his wife Marie was the chef. 从那里,它传遍了美国和世界其他地区.

If you want to try making it at home, 你要做的就是慢慢地把洋葱烤焦, simmer them with some beef broth and seasonings, and top them off with toasted, cheesy bread! It's the perfect easy soup for a busy weeknight.

Find the full recipe at Gimme Some Oven

beef bourguignon

Photo Courtesy of RecipeTin Eats

Beef Bourguignon

Another cozy stick-to-your-bones meal, 勃艮第炖牛肉是一种小火慢炖牛肉,口感丰富, savory, melt-in-your-mouth flavor that's frankly indescribable.

Hailing from the Burgundy region of France, beef bourguigon is a simple, yet elegant stew that consists of beef stew meat, carrots, onions, and garlic braised in red wine and beef stock. 然后加入珍珠洋葱、蘑菇和培根作为配菜,使整顿饭更加美味.

Though it may seem like a super old, traditional dish, bourguinon牛肉实际上只能追溯到19世纪, making it a relatively new French dish. 如果你还需要相信这道菜值得你花时间在厨房里, 茱莉亚·查尔德(Julia Child)曾将这道菜描述为“绝对是人类制作的最美味的牛肉菜肴之一”."

Find the full recipe at RecipeTin Eats

coq au vin

Photo Courtesy of Once Upon a Chef

Coq au Vin

Now if beef stew isn't your thing, 也许传统的法式红烧鸡更适合你! 酒焖牛肉与勃艮第牛肉相似,因为肉是在红酒中慢炖的, stock, and a variety of veggies, 但不同之处在于,带骨头的鸡大腿是首选的蛋白质.

传说酒焖鸡可以追溯到凯撒大帝时代, 尽管没有太多的文件来支持这种说法.

但我们知道的是,酒焖鸡真正流行起来是在1961年, 茱莉亚·查尔德在她的食谱中加入了一份法式主食的食谱, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

She also prepared it on the PBS cooking show, The French Chef, 数百万人收看,这道菜在美国流行起来.

Find the full recipe at Once Upon a Chef

duck confit

Photo Courtesy of RecipeTin Eats

Duck Confit

Simply put, 油封鸭是一种法国美食,用盐腌整只鸭子, herbs, and spices before being cooked in its own fat. "Confit" actually translates to "with fat".

The salt cure acts as a preservative, 保持鸡肉的新鲜,同时让它浸泡在盐、香草和大蒜的美味中. Confit是一种有几个世纪历史的工艺,它可以制作出美味、鲜嫩、美味的肉片.

Traditionally, 许多人会把鸭子放在冰箱里腌制6个月, 让它成为一种一年四季都可以享用的可持续食物. While we don't recommend trying this at home, 我们强烈推荐下面的食谱,因为它不需要大量的鸭油,但仍然能让你尝到法国的味道.

Find the full recipe at RecipeTin Eats

macaron recipes

Photo Courtesy of King Arthur Baking


While macarons definitely have a wonderful flavor, what really makes them so special is their light, airy, perfectly crumbly texture. 多亏了杏仁粉和搅打过的蛋白, macarons, when baked correctly, are the perfect sweet treat no matter the occasion.

The history of the macaron is actually quite rich! So rich, in fact, 那本食品百科全书将马卡龙的起源追溯到8世纪!

During the renaissance, 1533年,一位意大利厨师为法国王后凯瑟琳·德·美第奇(Catherine de' Medici)制作了马卡龙,以庆祝她与法国亨利二世的婚礼. 1792年,两位在法国寻求庇护的修女烘焙并出售马卡龙,以帮助支付他们的住房费用.

马卡龙于2010年开始在美国流行起来,这要归功于小型面包店,当然还有, social media. Today, you can find macarons all over the world, 虽然我们认为在法国享受的是完全不同的体验.

Find the full recipe at King Arthur Baking

French Food Staples Available at the Co-op

  • Fresh Baked Baguettes from the Co-op's Bakery

  • Variety of French Cheese from the Cheese Department

  • 法国糕点,包括可颂面包和Co-op面包店的巧克力蛋糕

  • Bonne Mamam Fruit Preserves

  • 莫宁味糖浆-德利咖啡吧有售

  • Variety of French Wine from our Wine Department