A Solid Stock

By Nancylee Bouscher

We all have constants in our lives – things we can count on. 有些是愉快的,有些是可怕的,还有更多的是介于这两个极端之间. Let’s call that Life Soup. 尽管我可能对你的汤——汤的高汤——有所了解,但你有秘密的配料, and so do I. 然而,生活中最美好的部分是我们聚在厨房里的这张长长的大木桌前,我们开始发现共同的食材. Sometimes it’s fun and quirky, like “Wow! I didn’t know you were born in Torrance too!有时则是苦乐参半——知道有另一个光明的灵魂分享了一个黑暗的阴影,在我们俩的心中留下了凉爽的印记.

事实上,我家的餐桌和我在托伦斯长大的那张餐桌是一样的. And the chairs are the same ones, too. 经过多年的工厂和项目,它们都可以重新装修, meals and mail, but it’s got solid legs. Four of ‘em! Chances are you have a similar table. It might be straight from IKEA or scored at a garage sale, but it’s got four legs that hold up your Life Soup. 皇冠博彩的桌子也很旧,很结实,有很多地基支撑着我们.

The actual foundation of our store is mythical to me. 从建筑北端一侧的“皮西乌斯骑士团1925”到我们在洗手间墙上涂的涂鸦, these bricks create this cozy crazy place. When I first came into the Co-op as a college student, the main door was that tiny one where we receive orders now, 而且这家店还没有像现在这样在第一街扩张, stretching into what used to be JC Penney’s. October 6, 1985, already 12 years old, is when we landed in this spot, 四十年后,我们买下了这两座建筑,你可以在购物时探索它们, eat, and visit. So many voices have bounced off these walls. Yours included. My office sits on the third floor, and I look down onto First Street, the bridge, and the tops of the trees along the Skagit River. 有时,我瞥见一位同事从停车场走向工作, 抓一只笨手笨脚的小狗,它正在为拴绳和人行道的新概念而挣扎, 或者看着兴奋的孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地走向Tri-Dee和一些新的艺术冒险. Like a bird perched in a nest, 我看着这个可爱的小镇在这个脆脆的食品皇冠博彩里过着它的生活.

我永远不会停止说:我们都来到这个大而古老的建筑是为了食物. 我知道你们知道这一点,但有必要重复一遍:我们从农民那里获得食物. Imagine the thousands of hands that have helped to plant, tend, and pick every ingredient, not just for your meals, but also in your medicine. In July, 开车去威廉姆斯,实现了我长久以来的梦想, Oregon to meet some of the farmers of Herb Pharm. 如果你曾经漫步到Wellness,你会看到所有一盎司瓶装的草药液体提取物上经典的金黄色标签,等着欢迎你,并一下子淹没你.

皇冠博彩这次访问,有太多的事情要分享,以至于需要一整版的时事通讯.  盛开的黑升麻神奇的白色螺旋状喷雾——我闻到的甜蜜的、令人愉悦的花香如何在另一个人的鼻子里变成了潮湿的东西——当蜜蜂降落在花粉中跳舞时,西番莲的外星飞船盘旋在葡萄藤上, and the kind people that care for these plants. 如果你曾经遇到过一个Herb Nerd(我真的很想输入“Herb Nerb”,因为看看它有多可爱), 那么你就会明白它们的基本事实:它们随时都可能选择植物而不是你. Herb Pharm is full of Herb Nerds, Matthew and Mark being the two main ones we met, 挖出大块的泥土供我们闻,或者让我们盲目地测试一种酊剂,然后“四处游荡”,看看我们能从中收集到什么(我最喜欢的接触草药的方式)。. 与种植我们提供的药物的人见面让我感到非常欣慰.

我想知道有多少种植物生活在健康的瓶子和管子里? It’s an impossible trivia question to answer, but for sure, one family that dominates would be the mint family. 谷歌说了很多皇冠博彩这个家庭的事情,你可能也有很多个人经历.  It’s in our tea and our toothpaste. There are so many more square-stemmed wonders, 包括柠檬香蜂草——在我打字的时候,她占据了我的院子——还有另一个更微妙的女王, Wood Betony. Plant her at your doorstep to offer protection, they say, 或者当你在云端感到头痛时,也可以滴几滴. 她是构成Herb Pharm每日镇定喷雾的众多力量之一, 这是一种秘密的超能力,可以在生活汤喝得太多的时候随身携带. 或者你可以直接订购,它可能是你最喜欢的植物盟友.

The place, the farmer, the plants, and you; those are the Co-op’s foundational table legs. 但正如那只臭名昭著的毛毛虫曾经问爱丽丝的:“你是谁??的确,合作者有时会被贴上某些形容词的标签, 但在这里工作过一段时间的人都知道,我们是一群形形色色的人. 不过你总能碰上几双勃肯鞋, 我们也有钢头工作靴,在工地上有硬皮, neon runners with bouncy marshmallow soles, 还有尖头高跟鞋咔嗒咔嗒地走过我们的销售楼层. 每一位顾客都是我们汤的一部分,我们喜欢让汤有不同的味道. More importantly, it is my hope – and I dare say, 这是大多数Co-op员工的希望——每位顾客都能在我们的员工和货架上看到自己的一部分. 

I want you to find a shampoo that works for your coils, 我想让你的邻居帮她找点东西, too. Chances are it’s not the same shampoo.  我想让你找到你曾祖母在节日食谱中使用的秘密原料, no matter the holiday, and I want you to find the thing you cannot pronounce, have never tried, and aren’t even sure what to do with. 重要的是,当你走过那些华丽的双门时,你会觉得自己是我们社区的一员,受到了关注和欢迎. Because you are, wholeheartedly. Skagit County will continue to grow, 我们都可以通过对待彼此的方式来决定这里的繁荣. We all get to build the table bigger and add more chairs. 我们喝着汤,分享着故事,知道人类和植物让我们的生活如此多汁. See, 你的生活汤里有很多东西是你没有选择放进去的, 但是每天你都要加一些你想要的东西,直到比例刚刚好. We all know that any flavor can be overcome with another, and that is one constant that will never change. Soup’s on, my friend!