
In the 斯卡吉特谷食品皇冠博彩’s 流浪的厨房 Travel 博客 Series, we’re taking you on a virtual trip to some of the best places on Earth for world-class cuisine. Whether it comes from your backyard or a different continent, good food has the power to transport you anywhere you want to go. 所以,虽然你可能不会去印度的中心旅行, 加勒比海, 或者乘飞机离开意大利, 火车, 或汽车, you can take your taste buds on a trip simply by turning your dining table into a delicious destination for some of the world’s best food.

We’ll be featuring locations near and far known for their food, 在你自己的厨房里尝试的励志食谱, as well as products you can find in the Co-op to give you a taste of the cuisine.

在本期的《皇冠博彩》中, we’re celebrating Lunar New Year in the place where it all began: China!


类似于 泰国菜, Chinese food can be found in almost every city in the 美国. 从小到大的外卖店, 全国连锁餐厅, Chinese food stretches across generations and locales and has firmly established itself as an American mainstay.

There are super Americanized Chinese restaurants as well as more authentic spots in International Districts. 点心,任何人都? 不用说, Chinese cuisine has made a huge impact on food across the globe, which is obvious almost every time you step foot in a grocery store, 包括皇冠博彩!


Grab your chopsticks and make room for your next meal… you’re going to be hungry once you get through this list of mouth-watering Chinese delicacies!



在餐馆和街头小吃摊都有供应, 祝你好运, 或者葱油饼, 美味的点心是用面团做的吗, as compared to the batter-based pancakes we’re familiar with here in the States.

Simply put, scallion pancakes are unleaved flatbread folded with oil and green onions. 面团是用平底锅煎的, 在保持嚼劲的同时,让它的边缘酥脆可口, 拉开内部.

Though the traditional version is simply filled with green onions, 有很多变体,包括茴香煎饼, 芝麻, 和更多的.

According to Chinese legend, pizza as we know it was originally adapted from scallion pancakes! The story goes that when Marco Polo returned home to Italy from his travels throughout Asia, he missed Chinese scallion pancakes so much that he tried to get a chef from Naples to recreate the treat.

When the chef didn’t have much success meeting Polo’s expectations, the famous explorer suggested that the filling be put on top, 而不是. 和哈哈! 披萨的概念就此诞生!

这个故事被认为是传说而不是事实, 因为在现实中, the first known mention of pizza was over 250 years before Marco Polo’s birth. 不管怎样,这个故事很有趣.


图片由食物提供 & 酒


Every culture has its version of a warm and satisfying breakfast. 对我们美国人来说.S.是燕麦片或热麦片. 在墨西哥,它是chilaquiles. 在以色列,这是Shakshouka. 而在中国,它是粥!

一种以大米为原料的粥, congee has a texture similar to that of oatmeal or hot cereal and is often served as a meal on its own, 是否吃早餐, 午餐, 或晚餐. And congee is a dish with history; the origins can be traced back to the Chinese Zhou Dynasty, 大约在公元前1000年.

If enjoyed as a side dish to a larger meal, a plain, basic congee is usually served. 但如果把它做成一顿单独的大餐, 额外的原料和蛋白质,如猪肉, 牛肉, 或添加鱼,使其更全面, 令人满意的菜.

在Food找到完整的食谱 & 酒



You’ve likely seen Chinese BBQ 猪肉 at a grocery store or Asian food market before. It’s bright red, usually sold with 芝麻 and hot mustard sauce. 它的用途非常广泛,更不用说它的美味了.

广东菜的招牌菜, Chinese BBQ 猪肉 is one of the few Chinese dishes that utilizes an oven as the cooking method. 传统上, the marinated 猪肉 would be skewered with long forks and either roasted in the oven or over an open fire, and that’s where the name Char (fork) Siu (roast) comes from!

这是红屋香料公司的食谱, 你需要猪肩排, as well as some common Asian 香料 and sauces including soy sauce, 蚝油, 大蒜, 姜, 辣椒粉, 中国五香粉, 和蜂蜜.

但可以说最重要的配料是叉烧酱, 你可以在亚洲市场或杂货店买到吗. Char siu sauce will give you that smoky, barbecue flavor that’s essential to this Chinese 猪肉 dish.


照片由RecipeTin Eats提供


有时被译为“宫保”或“宫保”, 宫保鸡丁是川菜中的一道经典菜肴, 原产于中国西南部. 据说是以丁葆桢的名字命名的, 晚清官员和总督, the origins of this now ubiquitous take-out dish date back to the mid-to-late 19th century.

辣的, 炒, 充满了光明, 美味的味道, 宫保鸡丁的主要原料是鸡肉, 花生, 辣椒, 还有各种蔬菜. 一些西方版本的这道菜有时会加虾, 猪肉, 或者用鸭换鸡, 还要多吃蔬菜.

这个食谱来自RecipeTin Eats, boneless skinless chicken breast is cubed and tossed with cornflour and soy sauce before being tossed with a homemade stir fry sauce and marinated for 20 minutes. 下一个, the chicken is seared in a hot wok before the remaining sauce and ingredients are added to bring the whole dish together.

Serve kung pao chicken over a bed of white 大米, or 大米d cauliflower for a lower carb version.

在RecipeTin Eats网站上找到完整的食谱


A classic Chinese dish in many restaurants throughout the world, steamed 猪肉 buns are pillowy-soft steamed buns filled with barbecue 猪肉.

A traditional Cantonese dish often served at Dim Sum restaurants and Chinese bakeries, there are other versions of steamed 猪肉 buns made in the Philippines, 越南, 和夏威夷, each with their own regionally-specific flavors and ingredients.

这个食谱来自RecipeTin Eats, a quick filling of barbecue 猪肉 and a simple 甜蜜的 and savory sauce is combined before being stuffed into a fairly basic dough. Stuffing the dough is the part that might feel particularly challenging, 尤其是如果你以前没做过的话. 但不用担心! 面包不需要做得很完美,味道也很好, 所以不要在最初的几次尝试后就放弃.

猪肉包包好了就可以吃了, 在竹制蒸笼中蒸12分钟左右. And if you don’t have a bamboo steamer, we sell them in our 商品!

在RecipeTin Eats网站上找到食谱



If you've never had sesame balls at a Chinese restaurant or Dim Sum pot, you’re in for a real treat. 虽然他们看起来很谦逊, 一旦你咬进一颗淡淡的甜, chewy-crispy, 纹理令人满意的海参球, 你会被迷住的.

Simply put, sesame balls are a type of fried Chinese pastry made out of glutinous 大米 flour. The exterior is crispy and a little crunchy from the sesame seed coating, 但里面很有嚼劲, 甜蜜的, 通常馅料为甜豆沙或莲蓉.

With origins tracing back as far as the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), Jian Dui was brought to other parts of China during the southward migration of many people from central China. But nowadays, you can find some version of sesame balls at just about any Chinese restaurant.



  • 我们的农产品部有各种亚洲蔬菜

  • 各种亚洲酱料,香草, & 香料

  • 中国的面条 & 大米

  • 柔滑、柔软、结实的豆腐

  • 蛋卷,馄饨和春卷包装纸